How to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat?

Belly fat is not only annoying, but it is the most difficult to cut down the fat. To get rid of lower belly fat, one needs a lot of hard work. Lower belly fat means the visceral fat that surrounds the vital organs. It is a very difficult situation that you are wearing your favourite dress and your bulging fat is visible all around your tummy. It can destroy your whole personality. When someones tease you about your fat size, or anyone one stares at your fat belly just because it is looking awkward. At that stage, you feel like hiding yourself in some place. Lower belly fat is due to excess eating, bloating, lack of exercise, genetic factors or so on.

Moreover, excess tummy fat is the root cause of many diseases. The diseases like heart attack, diabetes or high blood pressure are due to the excess abdominal fat. It needs a lot of patience, hard work and regular exercise to get rid of lower belly fat. Losing out the tummy fat makes you feel more confident about yourself. It also improves our health. You can easily get a slim figure by just doing merely exercises and following a diet chart.

Remedies to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

You can try some exercises to get rid of lower belly fat. These remedies are effective and best to reduce weight.

1.) Hip Lift to Prevent Excess Fat

Hip lift is really helpful to get rid of the lower belly fat. Do this exercise twice a day by raising both legs up toward the ceiling so that they are perpendicular to your torso. Lean yourself by extending your arms out away from your sides. Face your palm facing downwards. This should be your initial condition. Now Inhale and pull your belly inwards. Curl your hips towards your torso and exhale. Lift your hips a few inches off the floor by keeping your legs straight. Breathe in slowly by lowering the hips to the ground. Repeat this exercise for around 10 minutes. This will help to reduce the lower belly fat at a faster rate.

2.) Walk to Remove Lower Belly Fat

Walking is the best way to get rid of excess belly fat. It cuts down the most of the fat. Walking puts all the abdominal muscles to work. It sheds the pounds of your overall body. You can take a walk of 20-40 minutes a day. If you go for a morning walk, it will give you much better results. A brisk walk is also very helpful. You can also do some cardio, weight lifting, push ups or some other exercise. Make sure that you swing your hands while walking. The best part is that you don’t have to pay lots of money in the gyms. Make a habit of walking regularly to get rid of lower belly fat.

3.) Roll Up to Become Slim

It is an easy exercise which you can do to cut down the belly fat. To do this, lie on your back. Keep your legs straight on the ground. Now extend your arms behind your head to the point of the torso. Your torso should touch the mat. This should be your initial stage. Lift your torso above the ground level. Inhale while curling your body above the floor. Exhale about halfway up, continuing rolling forward by reaching your arms toward the ceiling. Again inhale by reversing and exhale halfway through the movement and return to your starting position.

4.) Flutter Kicks to Get Rid of Belly Fat

To try some flutter kicks to shed the pounds. Lie on the back with the help of your shoulders. Lift your hands behind your head. With the help of your both legs straight along with your toes, point it up and make it perpendicular to your upper body. Again, do it with left leg. One after the another change your legs by swapping the positions. Repeat this exercise again and again. This exercise is essential to cut down the excess belly fat.

5.) Double Leg Circles to Shed Pounds

Double Leg circle is very helpful when we talk about the belly fat. To do this exercise lie on your back, with your knees and legs in straight position. Make sure that your belly should be flat. This should be your initial stage. Keep your legs in extended direction. Now move your legs in inward and outward direction.  You can also do it by one leg, then follow it with another. Repeat this exercise to get rid of lower belly fat.

Foods to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

1.) Green Tea to Burn Belly Fat

Green tea consists of antioxidants. It helps to promote weight loss. If you do exercise and drink green tea, you can notice better results in weight loss than who don’t take green tea. Green tea is the best aid to burn tummy fat by increasing the metabolism. It has lots of benefits and is good for health. You can buy it from the market and put around one teaspoon of green tea in hot water. Add honey to taste.  Drink about two cups of green tea daily to fight obesity. To make green tea at home, you need lemon, honey, water, black pepper. This simple and easy remedy can help to lose excess fat. It is a natural remedy with no side effects.

2.) Garlic to Prevent Belly Fat

Garlic helps the food to get digested at a much faster rate. It has a very sharp smell. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties help the food to digest at a faster rate. Because of this curative property, it helps in reducing the gastric problems. It works very effectively and stimulates the digestive juices. Garlic increases the digestion and also helps to alleviate the stomach problem. To apply this remedy, you can take a lobe of garlic and crush it. Put this paste into boiling water. Strain it and cool it for 20 minutes. Now drink it. Add honey in this drink to taste. One can also make garlic tea in water and drink slowly. Moreover, use garlic while preparing your meals. This remedy will surprise you with amazing results.  It is very good for the health and will cut the excess fat.

3.) Pineapple to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Pineapple is a cone shaped tasty fruit. It contains vitamin C and thiols which treat the digestive problems. Pineapple contains the enzyme named as bromelain. It helps to catalyse protein, enzymes and eases digestion. Thus, it helps to lose weight. It also contains a lot of water and nutrients. Pineapple is known for its fat cutting properties. It is easily available in the market. Cut its stingy layer. Make the slices of it, and eat it anytime you want. It gives the best results when eaten empty stomach in the breakfast. Repeat this process for some days and one can find very awesome results. Pineapple can be a good choice to remove the belly fat.

4.) Lemon Juice to Get Rid of Fat

Lemon is one of the best remedies to fight the fat problems. It is the natural weapon to burn fat. It improves digestion by maintaining the pH level. Therefore, it can be helpful to get rid of lower belly fat. As lemon cleans the unwanted matter from the body, hence detoxifies it. Healthy digestion provides the nutrients to the body that burn fat. To apply this remedy take a glass of warm water and squeeze half lemon to it. Sprinkle some black pepper. Stir it and drink. Alternatively, you can drink lemon honey with a glass of warm water. It gives best results when taken empty stomach. Drink it 2-3 times a day. This remedy is simple and easy to do.

5.) Coriander to Get Rid of Lower Belly Fat

Coriander is a famous spice which is used in the kitchen for making food. It is very beneficial for losing weight. Coriander protects you against bacteria. Coriander makes the process of digestion very easy. It effectively cuts the belly fat. Take a teaspoon of crushed coriander seeds in a cup of warm water. Drink the solution to get rid of excess fat. You can add honey or salt to make it tasty. Alternatively, you can also add fresh leaves of coriander in your food, but chopping it into small pieces. This is an excellent method for to shed the excess pounds. Repeat this process for some days. It proves a good remedy with no side effects.