How to Get Rid of Roaches Fast?

In this article, we will be discussing the best ways to get rid of roaches fast. If you are suffering from a large infestation of roaches in your house and want to get rid of them as soon as possible you need to understand that it is naturally a slow process. The process of eliminating roaches takes some time but with a little patience you can easily get rid of them. People usually try powerful insecticides to eliminate roaches fast but they forget they will be exposing their family to toxic chemicals in the process.

There are several effective and completely natural remedies to get rid of roaches that you can use instead of pesticides. Getting rid of them naturally not only keeps your family from being exposed to harmful chemicals, but it can also prevent the problem from recurring. So, how do you do it? Just follow this article to get rid of roaches without the use of any harmful chemicals.

Top Ways to Get Rid of Roaches:

1.) Bay Leaves to Get Rid of Roaches

Bay leaves are one of the most effective methods to get rid of roaches. This is a quite simple to use remedy but it can effortlessly help you to eliminate all the roaches from your house forever. The bay leaves are usually used in cooking (especially in India). They have a special type of fragrance which will keep the cockroaches at the bay. You will need bay leaves powder to remove roaches infestation. Just put a ground bay leaf powder around the insect’s home and other regions where the insects can easily reach. The strong odor of bay leaves will make the roaches move out of your home. The roaches will be uprooted without needing to kill them.

Or, simply crush some bay leaves. By doing so its essential oil will be extracted. It is believed that essential oil is more powerful and has a strong fragrance. Spread the crushed leaves on the places which are often visited by the roaches. Since roaches do not like such a strong smell, therefore, they will not come around all leave the premises soon.

2.) Boric Acid Baits to Get Rid of Roaches

Boric acid is considered as one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of roaches’ infestation fast. This is a natively constructed trap to execute the roaches. The process of using boric acid is extremely easy, you just need to blend one part of boric acid powder with one part of each sugar and white flour and then make dough batter utilizing it. Do not forget to add little butter balls in a home where roaches visit much of the time to dispose of the roaches. The sugar and flour in this mixture will pull out roaches and the boric acid in the batter will easily kill the insects.

Alternatively, you can make a similar trap by simply blending one cup of boric acid, one cup of cocoa and two cups of white flour. Spread the mixture in the areas where roaches are more. You should not use this trap more than two or until the bugs are gone. Take proper precaution while using this mixture and keep your children and pets away from it as it can be dangerous to a human being and pets.

3.) Starve Them for Food to Get Rid of Roaches

Think for a while and try to figure out why bugs infest your home then you will get know they do for food and shelter. They can shelter at any place but they would only get food in your home so they love they love our home. Now, cutting off roaches food supply is the key to getting rid of their infestation easily. If they did not find anything to eat then they will not survive more than one week and leave your home. The fact is, it is hard to completely cut off their food supplies but you can limit the food supply. Now, by doing this you will easily get success with other roaches removal remedies. Don’t leave food items open, they should be stored in an airtight container.

Keep raw fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator and also keep tables, stovetops, and counters clean and free of food particles. Do not forget to wash the dirty dishes after your meals and put away leftover food promptly. Avoid leaving dirty dishes or leftover food sits out overnight. You should also keep the pet food in an airtight container but avoid leaving them open overnight. Store your cooking dishes upside down. Keep cabinet, cupboard and drawers closed when not in use.

4.) Seal All Entering Points to Get Rid of Roaches

Besides killing the roaches with different remedies you should also take proper measures to prevent them from re-entering in your home. Now, to effectively prevent roaches’ infestation seal cracks in the exterior walls of the house by blocking their entrance firmly. You should first find the possible entry points and then seal them. This process would take some time, but once done the result will be great, as you are then totally safe from roaches’ re-infestation. Remember to fill every crack inside every cabinet in your kitchen, along with both sides of floor, door, window moldings and also the openings around pipes in bathrooms and kitchens. This will also help you to prevent the infestation of other pests and ants as well.

5.) Homemade Traps to Get Rid of Roaches

The major problem with roaches is their infestation once you have eliminated all of them. The thing is you can’t prevent them from entering your house. So, to tackle this problem a simple homemade trap will be a great solution. The trap will catch all the roaches which are entering your house from the holes or cracks. The best you can do is seal off some cracks that are close to areas of entry, like the vents or drain. Place some steel wool traps over with insecticide in either gel or liquid form. Now, placing insecticide will work as a second line of defense in case if any cockroaches survive or get past the steel wool. Try to fix any openings with the caulk or some other hardening mixture.

6.) Listerine to Get Rid of Roaches

It is a brilliant remedy to prevent roaches infestation naturally. Listerine has been used since ancient time to get rid of cockroaches. You just need to blend one part of Listerine and water to prepare a medium concentration solution and you should also include two drops of dish washing fluid to it. Transfer the solution in a spray bottle and simply spray it on the areas where the roaches are frequently visible and on top of the bugs directly if it is possible. Once they come into contact with the solution then they will not have any other option to leave your home.

7.) Try Deterrent Chemical to Get Rid of Roaches

The deterrent chemicals are the most effective solution to eliminate roaches from the house. The deterrent chemicals are usually poisonous and they should be diluted with water before using. Once the chemical is diluted use it to wipe or wash any surface, and around the cracks to kill roaches that walk there. The deterrent can be particularly useful providing protection against re-infestation, as they usually deter cockroaches for two weeks or more.

8.) Ammonia Solution to Ger Rid of Roaches

Ammonia has a strong, pungent smell that roaches cannot adhere. Therefore it is one of the best remedies to get rid of roaches fast. All you have to do is add a cup of ammonia in the bucket full of water and use it to flush drains pipes, sinks, toilets and other places where you often find them. However, do not use it on the floor since it could be harmful to human as well. And, keep it out of the contact of kids and pets.

9.) Petroleum Jelly to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Petroleum Jelly is one of the best remedies to get rid of roaches. Cockroach can’t adhere its smell and it acts as a poison for them. The best way to use petroleum jelly is. Take rind of a fruit. It could be of apple, mango, and banana. The rind will work as a bait. Put that rind in the jar of the petroleum jelly for a night. The cockroaches will climb over  and thus get trapped

10.) Kill Roaches Fast with Pinesol and Bleach

Both pinesol and bleach work as roach repellent thus you can use them together to get rid of cockroaches. All you have to do is, in a bowl mix two cups of pinesol and bleach respectively. Add a few cups of boiling water into it to make a nice mixture. Spread this mixture on the areas where you often find roaches. Leave it for a few minutes and then clean the area. Do this regularly to kill the roaches. Make sure all the windows and doors are open when you keep the solution. Also, keep it away from the children and pets.

11.) Borax to Kill Roaches Fast

Another home remedy that works wonder is borax. It is a perfect solution to get rid of the cockroaches. Generally, roaches hide in the cupboards, wash basin or places where they can get the food easily. Look for the place and sprinkle some borax at such points. Borax does not kill the roaches immediately. They will suck it and when they will take it back to their nest, it will help to kill them and their eggs also. However, keep it away from the children and reach. It could be harmful to them.

12.) Pepper, Onion and Garlic Solution to Prevent Roaches

Here is a nice homemade insecticide which will give you a wonderful result. And within a few days, you won’t find any roaches in your vicinity. Simply in a bowl add a tablespoon of  cayenne powder, one garlic, and onion paste. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Leave it for an hour and then add some soapy solution to it.  Spread this natural insecticide on the places where roaches are commonly found.

13.) Lemon to Get Rid of Roaches Fast

Yes, you read it right! It’s a lemon. The king of home remedies can be used to get rid of roaches as well. Lemon it is packed with the natural anti-pathogenic properties that come in the favor of killing the roaches. Add some lemon juice in the water that you use to mop the kitchen top, floors, and cabinets. The citric smell of the lemon will help to keep the roaches at the bay.

14.) Moth Balls to Kill Roaches Fast

Moth ball is a wonderful remedy to get rid of all kinds of pest including roaches. Places a few mothballs around the places which are prone to the cockroach infestation. You can also put them in your woolen clothes and cupboards as well. However, they are harmful to humans as well. Use it cautiously.

15.) Coffee trap to Kill the Roaches

Coffeee is also a nice option to get rid of the roaches. Since roaches like the smell of the caffeine present in the coffee thus it will work as a bait. All you have to do is in a jar fill water and add some coffee beans into it. The beans will allure them. They will climb the jar and drown in th water. The water will clogs their pores and they won’t be able to survive for long.

Some Additional Tips to Get Rid of Roaches Quickly:

  • Make sure to clean the areas where cockroaches were squished. Cockroaches are usually cannibals.
  • Always keep food items and other material out of their reach and try to take out your whole garbage before you go to bed.
  • To dispose of dead roaches, you can either throw them in the garbage or flush them down the toilet, this will eliminate them from the house completely.
  • Use sugar and baking soda as the main ingredients. Now, mix them together in a bottle by using some water. Then simply sprinkle them around the areas where cockroaches could come out and in.