High Fiber Foods – List of Foods High in Fiber

Fiber is very important for your body. It promotes digestion in the stomach and ends up reaching the gut. It feeds the friendly bacteria in the body and gives all the health benefits. Fiber is also very effective in weight loss, it helps to lower the blood sugar level and fight constipation. Studies have shown that people who eat the most fiber tend to be more healthy than who don’t. Those who eat fiber have a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity and they also tend to live longer. The recommended daily intake is 30 grams for men and 25 grams for women. The majority of the people are only eating around half of that approximately 15 to 17 grams of fiber per day. Increasing your fiber intake is very simple. Here is the list of high fiber foods.

List of High Fiber Foods:

1.) Avacodas- Rich in Fiber

Avocados contains about 10.5 grams of dietary fiber per slice. It is also rich in vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K, Folate, and potassium. The fiber content present in avocados varies depend on the type and size of avocados. There is a difference in fiber content and makeup between the bright green. Florida has smooth-skinned avocados and California has smaller darker and dimpled variety. Florida avocados are significantly more insoluble fiber than California avocados. Avocados are also full with healthy fats and lower the risk of heart disease. Start adding avocado into your diet. They are high fiber foods and very good for your health.

2.) Berries- Good Source of Fiber

Raspberry contains about total 8 gm of dietary fiber in one cup, due to this it comes in the category of high fiber foods. It also contains other essential vitamin and nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and folate. On the other hand, blackberry contains about 7.6 gm of dietary fiber in one cup and also contain other essential vitamin and minerals like vitamin c, vitamin K, omega 6 fatty acids, mangnesium, potassium, manganese. Blackberries are high in vitamin K which is helpful in boosting bone density while the raspberry is high in manganese that supports healthy bones, skin and help to maintain blood sugar levels. Along with this health benefit, it provides good taste with fiber to your diet.  You should add this to your diet for long lasting life and get health benefits.

3.) Figs-  Best Source of Fiber

Figs have huge amount of fiber content. It is one of the best source of high fiber foods. Figs have about 14.6 gms of fiber in 1 cup of dried figs and evenly distributes between insoluble and soluble fiber. It also has other essential nutrients like potassium, manganese, pantothenic acid, copper and vitamin B6. Fresh figs and dried figs are the great sources of fiber. Figs also have a perfect balance of insoluble and soluble fiber. Figs can also help in the treatment of lower blood pressure and protection against muscular degeneration. If you don’t like dried figs so you can go for fresh figs because they are delicious and you can enjoy them on the top of salads, cereals. You can even stuff them with goat cheese and honey for a special dessert.

4.) Peas- Rich in Fiber

Peas are a good source of fiber, it contains about 8.6 grams of dietary fiber per cup, but has major content of insoluble fiber.  It also contains other essential nutrient vitamin and minerals like Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, manganese, folate, and protein. The small pea is full with fiber and has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties and also has phytonutrients that support wellness. You can buy frozen peas all the year. Add them to your diet. Just lightly steam, peas and add them to your salads and soups. They add a gentle sweetness and provide nearly about 100% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C and over 25% of thiamin and folate.

5.) Acorn Squash – High Fiber Foods

It is also a rich source of fiber. You can take about 9 gm of fiber in one cup of acorn squash. It contains many essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, manganese, folate, and magnesium. Pumpkins, spaghetti squash, butternut squash, and acorn squashes come in the category of winter squash and packed with nutrient and fiber. The nutrient dense and brightly colored flesh of the squash is high in soluble fiber which slows down the digestion of food and allows your body to absorption of the nutrient. You can roast acorn squash and other squash used it as a substitute of white potatoes and other starches. They are also ideal to make great soups.

6.) Lentils –  Good Source of Fiber

Lentil is a good source of fiber. It contains about 10.4 grams of fiber in one cup of cooked lentis. It is also packed with folate which is good for pregnant women and the individuals with liver disease and the people who are on certain medication. Lentis pilafs and soups are a great way to add the high fiber into your diet. It is also rich in protein and it contains about 13 grams of plant-based protein. It is inexpensive and takes only about 30 minutes to cook in a pot filled with water. Green and brown lentis are high in fiber than red ones.  Cook up a bunch of lentis and use them in salads, soups. You can also use this in a veg burger.

7.) Coconut – Contain High Fiber

Coconut contains about 7.2 grams of total dietary fiber in one cup. It also contains manganese, omega 6 fatty acid, selenium, and folate. Coconut oil has many health benefits and it is becoming popular due to its these benefits. It has low glycemic index and easy to incorporate into your diet. Coconut flour and grated coconut is a great way to add a healthy natural fiber to your diet. In countries where coconut is a dietary staple, there is fewer incident of heart disease and high cholesterol. You can substitute up to 20% coconut flour for other in most baking recipes.

8.) Split Peas- Best Source of Fiber

It is one of the most of the top most high fiber foods. It contains about 16.3 grams of fiber in one cup of cooked split peas. Split peas also contain other nutrients like protein, manganese, thiamin, folate, omega 3 fatty acids, omega 6 fatty acid. Only one serving of split peas contains a third of the folate recommended daily and over half of the recommended intake of dietary fiber. The best way to consume split peas into your diet is in soups and stews. Ham and split pea soup nd rich in muscle friendly protein.

9.) Asian Pears- High Fiber Foods

Asian pear has a high amount of fiber. It has about 9.9 grams of total dietary fiber per medium. It also has other essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K potassium, and omega 6 fatty acids. They are crispy, sweet and delicious and have high fiber content but also rich in omega 6 fatty acid. It is good for healthy cells, brain and nerve function. The American heart association recommends at least 5% to 10% of food calories come from omega 6 fatty acid foods.

10.) Artichokes- High in Fiber

Artichokes has high fiber quantity. It contains bout 10.3 grams of total dietary fiber per medium artichoke. It is also rich in essential nutrient vitamin and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. Artichokes are rich in fiber and essential nutrient and a great addition to your diet. Only a one medium artichoke has nearly half of the recommended fiber intake for women and a third for men.

11.) Chick Peas- Plenty of Fiber

Chick peas contain about 11 gm of protein in one cup. It comes in the category of high fiber foods. It has been enjoyed across the globe for thousand of years. Chick peas also many essential nutrients like copper, folate, protein, omega 3 fatty acid, omega 6 fatty acid vitamin B6 which is necessary for a healthy nervous system. They provide about 84% of manganese of your daily recommendation.

12.) Lima Beans- High Fiber Foods

Lima beans are one of the best food which is rich in fiber.  It contains about 13.2 gm of protein in one cup of cooked lima beans. Lima beans are also full of copper, folate, phosphorous, protein, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, manganese. It fulfill your about 25% need of iron in women of the daily recommendation. Antioxidant helps to fight free radicals and manganese helps in energy production.