How to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks?

Nobody wants to look fat. It is the desire of everyone to have the perfect size and body. If you have the perfect body and a slim figure, it makes you feel confident. It makes you feel amazed and overwhelmed when your friends praise your figure. To lose weight in 2 weeks is not an easy task. It requires dedication,  punctuality, and hard work towards your exercise and diet plan. It may not be feasible  for everyone, but it is not impossible also. Putting up the weight has lots of factors. It depends upon the diet, quality of food and your habits.

Moreover, it depends upon hormonal level, metabolic rate, and sleep. People of any age can be fat. Putting up of weight is common in western countries.  The environment plays an important role to lose or gain weight. The more sweat you lose, the more calories you will burn. If you are really dedicated towards the weight loss, you can use some of the home remedies to get rid of calories.

Causes of Weight Gain:

  • Increase in the diet
  • Hormonal disorder
  • Lack of exercise
  • Fast food
  • Stress

Symptoms of Weight Gain:

  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Lethargy
  • Tightening of clothes
  • Increase weight on weighing balance

 Remedies  to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks:

Losing weight in 2 weeks is not difficult if you are dedicated to it. If you are having tires around your abdomen and you are unable to wear your favorite dress. No need to worry. Apply some simple home remedies to lose weight.

1.) Lemon to Get Rid of Excess Fat

Lemon is a natural fat burner. It is very rich in vitamin C  and citric acid. It is helpful in cutting of a fat. Moreover, it maintains the pH level of the body which helps to stimulate the digestive system. Lemon helps in boosting up the immune system and it is a strong anti-oxidant. It is a natural biocide which kills the bacteria in the stomach. Also, it improves digestion. Take one lemon and cut it into two pieces. Squeeze it into a glass water. You can sprinkle some salt into it. Drink it at least twice a day.

Alternatively, you can have lemon-honey water to lose weight in 2 weeks. Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water. Put one spoon of honey in it. Stir it and enjoy the cocktail. Repeat this remedy for at least 15 days and it will help you out to to wear your favorite dress.

2.) Peppermint to Lose Excess Fat

Peppermint has been used since ancient times to lose weight in 2 weeks. It consists of menthol, which soothes the digestive system. Moreover, it burns the excess fat by increasing the amount of digestive juices. It relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract. The strong scent of mint helps in controlling the appetite and suppresses the food craving. The enzymes in mint burn more calories in the gastrointestinal tract. To use this remedy, take some fresh leaves of peppermint. Boil them in water. Strain the liquid. You can add honey or salt to make it taste better. Drink it. Alternatively, you can chew some fresh leaves of peppermint. Do this remedy 2-3 times a day. It will reduce your fat and surprise you with the amazing results.

3.) Garlic to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Garlic is a natural home remedy to  lose weight in 2 weeks. It is easily available in our kitchen. The high anti-oxidants of garlic help in metabolism and  helps to get rid of  free radicals. It flushes out the toxic substance out of the body. Garlic also stimulates the digestive enzymes in the stomach and helps in absorption of nutrients. Moreover, it is known to burn fat faster than any other ingredient. Use garlic to shrink your waistline. Chew a small piece of garlic every day. Chewing it 2-3 times a day will give better results. Alternatively, take a glass of warm water and put some grilled fresh piece of ginger. Stir it and keep it for some time. Drink it to see the amazing results.

4.) Exercise to Lose Excess Fat

Exercise is important to lose weight in 2 weeks. It is one of the best methods to lose weight fast. Moreover, it can be done at home, without spending a huge amount of money in gyms. Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes can help you to lose weight fast. Also, if you are doing an intensive workout, an exercise of 15 minutes is sufficient. There are many exercises which you can do. First of all, go for a morning or evening walk. Brisk walking will give more effective results. Exercise like jumping a rope, racing, weight lifting or push-ups will also prove beneficial. Be careful while doing the exercise. Don’t over do it. All you need is a mat and towel to burn your excess fat. Be regular in your exercise and you will get the amazing results.

5.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight

Apple cider vinegar is really helpful in getting rid of excess fat. It consists of vitamin C and citric acid. Moreover, it  soothes the digestive system. It increases the enzymatic activity which cures the digestive tract. Apple cider vinegar also boosts up the immune system. To apply this remedy, take one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Dissolve it in warm water.  You can add honey in it to taste. Drink it sip by sip. Don’t drink apple cider vinegar directly as it is very concentrated in nature. Organic apple cider vinegar will be more beneficial for to lose weight in 2 weeks.

6.) Cinnamon for Reducing Excess Fat

Cinnamon is a best known for its rich flavor and its medicinal properties. It helps to lose weight  by burning out the fat. Cinnamon not only burns fat, but it helps to prevent further accumulation of calories. It reduces the cholesterol level and increases the metabolism. Moreover, it is rich in polyphenols which helps to lose weight. To apply this remedy, take a half teaspoon of cinnamon and dissolve it in warm water. Drink it regularly. Alternatively, you can add a cinnamon powder in your food. Also, one can try its tea by adding honey into it. Try this remedy  and see the amazing results.

7.) Water to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

Drinking water can help in losing the weight. Water improves the digestion. Moreover, it helps to cure bloating and constipation. Water helps to remove the toxic materials out of the body.  It hydrates the body and cleans the vessels. The water intake for an adult should be 2-3 liters per day. Drinking a glass of water empty stomach will help to lose weight at a faster rate. Replace the normal water with warm water. As it burns fat at a much faster rate. Don’t drink water immediately after meals. As it can stop the digestion. Drink water to hydrate your body. It will help you to lose weight in 2 weeks.

8.) Green Tea to Become Slim

Green tea is very beneficial in losing the excess fat. It consists if antioxidants.  Green tea helps to  increase the digestive juices. It soothes the digestive tract. Green tea has a high concentration of polyphenols. It burns the fat and helps in weight loss. It is easily available in the market and is cost friendly. Take a tea bag of green tea. Dip it in a hot water. Now, drink this tea 2 times a day. If you drink this tea empty stomach to get faster results. Try green tea, to get rid of fat.

9.) Sage Tea to Lose Excess Fat

Sage is one of the best remedy for weight loss. It is helpful in getting a smaller waist. Sage tea balances the hormonal level and controls the blood sugar level. It controls the appetite by improving the digestion. Sage tea also prevents you from stress. Take some dried sage leaves. Boil it in a cup of water. You can also add honey or salt in it to make it tasty. Drink it at least twice a day to lose weight in 2 weeks. This can be an excellent remedy for weight loss. Try sage tea to burn fats.

10.) Bottle Gourd to Get Rid of Excess Fat

Bottle gourd has plenty of medicinal properties. It also helps to lose weight by stimulating the digestive juices. It is antibiotic in nature. This helps to cut down the excess fat. To try this remedy, you can take out the juice of bottle gourd and drink it. This will burn your calories and will give you amazing results.