How to Lower High Blood Pressure?

High pressure is also known as hypertension, it is one of the most common health problems in the world. There are two main factors which are responsible for high blood pressure, quality of blood your heart pumps and how narrow your arteries are. High blood pressure increases the risk of your heart problems. Most people have no symptoms, thus it is also called the silent killer, so the best way to find that, you are suffering from hypertension is to go to your doctor and check at least every year. According to the center for disease control and prevention, one in three adults are affected by it. A blood pressure reading 140/90 mm Hg or above is considered as high blood pressure. You can lower high blood pressure by eating a healthy diet, rich in antioxidant and low in saturated fat to control the problem and prevent from further occurring.

Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure:

1.) Skip Salt to Lower High Blood Pressure

Eating too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure. A small drop in your sodium intake can drop your blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg. A normal person should take  2300 mg a day or even less, if possible. If you are older than 50 years, so you need to lower your sodium level little bit more, consume not more than 1500mg. Sodium works as the natural foe of high blood pressure. The Little amount of drop in your sodium intake can lower your blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg.

If you want to make your food tastier without adding salt, you can add many spices and herbs. Some herbs actually help to lower your blood pressure. Cayenne pepper is very useful because it helps to expand blood vessels and improves blood flow in your body. Garlic helps to lower both cholesterol and blood pressure. Turmeric decreases inflammation in the body and improves cardiovascular function which helps to drop blood pressure.

2.) Moderate Your Alcohol Intake

A small amount of alcohol actually cause your blood pressure to drop, but in a higher amount it effects in an opposite way, it can increase your blood pressure. Those who are over the age of 65 years they can drink one glass of wine or beverage per day. Those who are under the age of 65 years can drink up to two glasses per day.

In moderate amount, wine and other alcohol can help to lower your blood pressure by 2 to 4 mm hg. This is only helpful if you drinks alcohol regularly. It is riskier for them, those who don’t drink regularly. Consuming a large amount of alcohol can decrease the effectiveness of medicine you take for blood pressure.

3.) Stop Smoking to Lower High Blood Pressure

Nicotine present in the cigarette is one of the culprits to high blood pressure. Cutting smoking is one of the quickest ways to drop your blood pressure. It not only helps to lower your blood pressure but it also helps to become your heart more healthy and reduces the chances of heart-related diseases and lung cancer. Smoking increases your blood pressure by 10 mm hg after half hour you smoke . If you will smoke continuously, your blood pressure will continuously get elevated. Passive smoking also affects your blood pressure.

Smoking hardens and narrows your arteries, which is responsible for higher blood pressure. Quitting smoke will immediately give you a result if you need help to quit smoking, go to the counselor and get support from your family and friends. Talk to your doctor about medication or nicotine replacement therapy.

4.) Reduce Fat and Sugar to Treat High Blood Pressure

Reducing fat and sugar intake immediately will help to control your weight which will directly affect to lower your risk of heart disease. Do not eat more than five sweets per week and not more than three tablespoons of fat per day. Replace your traditional dessert such as pastries, cakes, cookies, pudding, and candies with the fruits. Avoid to add mayonnaise and butter in your sandwiches.

Reduce the amount of oil and butter you use to cook food. Avoid coconut oil, palm oil lard, and solid shortening. Make sure to eat the only proper amount of good fat like polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated which are found in foods like avocado and olive oil.

5.) Relax to Lower High Blood Pressure

Many people have a temporary rise in blood pressure due to stress. If you have high blood pressure because of overweight and you have a family history of hypertension, then stress raises it much more because your adrenal gland releases stress hormones, which causes cardiovascular system to work more.

If you are under chronic stress, your body produces that stress hormone every day, then you’re cardiovascular reaches the state of “overworking”, the reason behind is that stress hormones increase your pulse, respiration and heart rate, in order to the prepare for the fight. The heart goes through a trauma throughout this process, which tends to higher the BP. So try some relaxation technique. Try to take a long walk before the bedtime. Set aside 30 minutes from every work and task before bed. Try to do deep breathing exercise or do meditation.

6.) Lemon to Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and a popular citrus food. It not only help to regulate the blood pressure but it is also beneficial in many ways. Drinking one glass of lemon water every morning help to keep you fit and flush out the toxins in your body. Its antioxidant vitamin C helps to neutralize the effect of free radicals.

Lemon helps to lower high blood pressure and also reduces high cholesterol. High potassium present in lemon reduces the effect of sodium which keeps your blood pressure normal. According to the study published in the journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2014. Regular consumption of lemon has lowering effect in systolic blood pressure.

7.) Banana to Treat Blood Pressure

Banana is very helpful to lower blood pressure. Potassium content present in banana helps to lower the effect of sodium from your body, which helps to regulate your blood pressure. Regular consumption of potassium rich foods like banana and lemon reduce the risk of heart stroke and prevent heart diseases.

According to the study published in the journal of American Heart Association in 2005, increase intake of foods high in potassium has the same effect on blood pressure as potassium chloride, potassium chloride helps to lower blood pressure. You can take the banana into your breakfast oatmeal, or you can consume one banana anytime.

8.) Tomatoes to Treat Blood Pressure

Lycopene and carotenoids present in tomatoes with antioxidant help to fight free radicals, it lowers the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. According to the study published it showed a result in lowering  effect of systolic blood pressure.

Regular consumption of 250 gm of tomato extract helps to decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, according to the study published in the American heart journal in 2006. Potassium content present in tomato helps to lower blood pressure and flushes sodium from your body. Those who are affected by blood pressure should eat tomatoes daily.  You can add tomato in salads and sandwiches or you can also make soups and sauces.

9.) Extra Virgin Olive Oil to Reduce High Blood Pressure

Extra virgin olive oil has antioxidants called polyphenol. Polyphenol helps in reducing high blood pressure and even protect  LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Monosaturated fatty acids present in olive oil helps to improve heart health.

According to the story published in the journal of Archives of Internal Medicine in 2000. Daily consumption of extra virgin olive oil lowers the daily requirement of  antihypertensive drug dosage. You can eat a few tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a day, or you can use it in healthy salad dressing or dips. You can also use it for baking and cooking purpose.

10.) Blueberries to Lower High Blood Pressure

Anthocyanins present in blueberries helps to prevent hypertension. Antioxidant present in blueberries helps to improve artery flexibility thus helpful to control blood pressure.

According to the story published in the journal of American society for nutrition in 2011, anthocyanins helps in preventing as well as controlling high blood pressure in adults. You can add blueberries to your cereal every morning. You can even take frozen blueberries.

11.) Garlic to Cure Blood Pressure

Garlic helps to relax the blood vessels by stimulating the production of nitric oxide which helps to lower high blood pressure. It can also help to improve blood circulation and lower cholesterol to prevent heart disease. You can even eat 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves daily empty stomach. You can also take the garlic supplement, but first, consult your doctor before taking it.

According to the study published in the journal of BMC cardiovascular disorder in 2008, suggests that garlic preparations are superior to placebo in reducing hypertension

12.) Monitor Blood Pressure

You can monitor your blood pressure by using stethoscope and sphygmomanometer. The range of blood pressure varies from children to older people. To know the different ranges in reading your blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is range between 120/80 and below. Pre-Hypertension blood pressure – 120-139/80-89. First stage hypertension – 140-159/90-99. Second stage hypertension – : 160/100 and above