How to Treat Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is a swelling, inflammation or infection of the bronchitis tubes between the nose and the lungs, which are the main passageways in her lungs. It is usually caused by bacteria, virus, allergies or auto-immune diseases that irritate the bronchial tubes. Bronchitis is characterized by prolonged, excessive coughing and it can be chronic and acute. Chronic bronchitis last at least several months or longer while acute is one-time conditions that last for several weeks. Chest pain, congestion, cough with mucus, difficulty breathing, fever, and muscle ache are the symptoms of bronchitis. Roughly 10 to 12 million people visits to medical professional every year for bronchitis. Most cases are of acute bronchitis which can be treated at home or usually clears up on its own but Here are some remedies to treat bronchitis.

Remedies to Treat Bronchitis:

1.) Keep yourself Hydrated

Staying hydrated while you are sick help your body to continue function properly. People should drink at least 8 ounces of fluid in every one to two hours.

  • Avoid milk, as properties of cow’s milk, may thicken mucus. It is not particularly hydrating in comparison to other options.
  • Don’t consume drinks with alcohol or caffeine because these drinks are diuretics and cause dehydration.
  • Consuming clear broth, diluted sports drinks and warm lemon water with honey are the good options. Warm drink has many benefits of soothing throats.
  • You should consume most of the fluid from water or other low calories drinks to prevent yourself from taking too many calories.
  • Plain water is great as it is the easiest way to hydration. Try to always bring a water bottle on hand at all times and refill it as soon it’s empty.
  • It helps to loosen congestion and maintain properly bodily functions.

2.) Gargle Salt Water to Treat Bronchitis

Gargle with salt water several times a day is an effective remedy to treat bronchitis. It will also help you to get rid of a cough and cold as well.

  • It helps to soothe the inflamed throat and cut through some of the mucus causing irritation to the throat.
  • You just need to simply add one teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and gargle with it.
  • Make sure to add an exact amount of salt to a glass of warm water, as too much salt can cause burning sensation  in the throat.
  • Gargle for about 15 to 20 seconds, then spit into the sink.
  • You can gargle with salt water three to four times  a day.

3.) Eucalyptus Oil to Cure Bronchitis

Eucalyptus oil is very effective when you are suffering from bronchitis. It has antibacterial properties which increase the healing process. It relieves congestion and can soothe coughing and sore throat.

  • Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in two cups of boiling water.  Cover your head with a towel and bend over the water to inhale the steam. You can also use pine oil or tea tree oil if eucalyptus oil is not available.
  • You can also apply eucalyptus oil on the skin. but first, dilute with another oil like almond oil or olive oil. This will help to expel the mucus and improve the respiratory function.
  • Don’t orally consume eucalyptus oil because high dose or oral consumption can be toxic.
  • Don’t use it on children, it can be toxic to them.

4.) Add Food that Treat Bronchitis

There is a variety of food available in the market that helps to treat symptoms of bronchitis. Adding this food during your recovery time can increase the process.

  • Lemon and ginger are effective ingredients, these are very effective not only to treat bronchitis but also may others problems. They help to soothe the throat and reduce the mucus or cough production. Ginger can be added to teas and lemon can be added to water to provide flavor and help the throat.
  • Almond is also very effective, it contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins that can encourage healing in respiratory infections.
  • Spicy food can help to produce mucus thinner and more easily expelled. Eating hot and spicy food dishes can help to clear the air passages and improve your breathing.

5.) Breathe Warm, Moist Air to Cure Bronchitis

When your lungs are irritated, hydrating them with warm, moist air helps soothe your bronchial passageways. Don’t allow your throat to dry out because your lungs can become more irritated and increases the duration of the infection. Use these following methods for breathing humid air.

  • You can also take a steamy bath or shower. Make sure the bathroom door is closed so that the steam cannot go out from the door.
  • Keep the bowl of water in the radiator. The heat from the radiator evaporate the water and humidify the air.
  • Or you can Use nebulizer to breathe in saline and purified water mists.
  • Or you can boil a water on the stove. The steam produced from the boiling water can increase the room’s humidity.
  • You can use humidifiers. A humidifier is a machine that adds moisture to the air in a room. you can  easily purchase it from the drugstores.

6.) Try Medicines that Soothe your Throat

Don’t cough suppressants if possible, but there’s nothing wrong with taking medicine meant to treat your sore throat.

  • Take over-the-counter medicine that contains benzocaine, which helps to soothe irritated throat tissue. It comes in syrup and cough drop form.
  • Use natural cough drops. A cough drops made with simple ingredients like lemon and honey and is available at many health food stores. Or you can make your own cough drops following these steps
  • Put a few drops of peppermint extract or eucalyptus oil and pour a half cup of honey into a small pot.
  • Place the pot over medium-high heat. Stir it constantly.
  • See the temperature of the honey with a thermometer. Remove it from heat when it reaches 300 degrees, the temperature at which the honey will harden when it cools.
  • Use a spoon to put drops of honey onto a baking sheet lined with wax paper or oiled parchment. Wait for the drops to get harden, then suck on them to soothe your throat.

7.) Ginger to Treat Bronchitis Naturally

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that help to relieve irritated, inflamed or swollen bronchial tubes. It is also used to treat the common cold, can also help with bronchitis.

  • Add half a teaspoon each of ground ginger, cloves and cinnamon in a cup of hot water. Stir this solution well and drink the mixture for a few days to get relief.
  • Or you can make an herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of each black pepper and  ginger powder to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for a few minutes, add some honey if you want. Drink this solution twice a day to treat bronchitis.
  • You can also mix one teaspoon each of ginger powder, and cloves, pepper. Take it three times a day with milk or honey.

8.) Turmeric to Cure Bronchitis

Turmeric is effective due to the compound present in turmeric called curcumin. Curcumin works as an anti-inflammatory agent and also has anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. These properties of turmeric help to treat viral and bacterial infection such as a cold and cough. The anti-inflammatory action of turmeric helps in relieving the chest congestion that develops in people suffering from a cough. Use of oil extracted from turmeric for a cough is also very effective in treating cough by getting rid of phlegm.

  • Boil half a cup of water and add one teaspoon of each black pepper and turmeric powder. You can also add cinnamon sticks. Boil all the ingredient for about three minutes. Add one to two tablespoon of honey. Drink this solution daily to treat bronchitis.
  • Or you can make an herbal tea by adding one teaspoon or each  turmeric powder and carom seeds to a cup of water, and boil this solution until water reduces to one-half cup. Then add some honey if you want and drink this herbal solution two to three times a day.
  • You can also use another method. Roast turmeric root and grind it into a smooth powder. Mix it powder with honey and water, and drink it twice a day.

9.) Use Honey to Cure Bronchitis

Honey is a natural way and very effective to deal with a cough that occurs with bronchitis. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties that help to soothe the throat and it also boosts your immune system.

  • In one study, a variety of treatments for coughing were used on patients suffering from cold-like symptoms. Honey was the best method for treating symptoms.
  • You can add honey to your regular cup of tea, it will help to treat bronchitis.
  • You can also add honey to warm lemon water to get rid of throat inflammation and congestion that often accompanies bronchitis.

10.) Epsom Salt to Treat Bronchitis

You can take Epsom salt bath to treat bronchitis symptoms, especially when you are suffering from acute bronchitis.

  • Add two to three pounds of Epsom salt to warm bath water to prepare a bath.
  • When the Epsom salt gets fully dissolved, soak yourself in the bath for about a half an hour.
  • If you are suffering chronic bronchitis, Use this method twice a week.
  • If you are suffering from acute bronchitis, use  this method every night to treat bronchitis.