How to Unclog Nose?

When your nose drips, you sound funny to talk with. But when it comes, you want to blow your nose and finally breathe again, but nothing comes out, so it can be very annoying. Many people think that unclog nose is the result of too much mucus in the nasal passage, but it is actually caused by an inflamed blood vessel in the sinuses. These irritated vessels are usually triggered by the flu, cold, allergies or a sinus infection. As this tissue and the blood vessel inside them become swollen from excess fluid. Or other things such as irritants like smoke can also cause the stuffy feeling. But luckily here are some of the easiest remedies to get rid of the unclog nose.

Ways to Unclog Nose:

1.) Use a Saline Nasal Spray

Saline nasal spray is simply the salt water in a convenient applicator. In this process, no medication or drug is involved. Saline water helps to soothe the inflammation in your nose as well as it also helps to flush out the mucus and bacteria.

  • You can buy a saline nasal spray from the market or you can make your own. Or, if you want to make your own nasal spray so you can mix ¼ teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water.
  • You need to lean over the sink and put the tip of your nose into pointing toward the drain. As this position will allow the water to easily run out of the nose.
  • Then slowly spray the saline solution from one nostril at a time. Squeeze the bulb syringe to evacuate the air. Dip it into the saline solution and release the bulb.  Then again squeeze the bulb and put the solution into your nostril.
  • You need to allow the solution to drain from your nose completely before doing it the second time. Use this method two to three times a day to unclog nose.

2.) Use Steam to Ease Congestion

Heat and moisture from the steam will help to ease the inflammation and breathe easier. You can do it own as often as you needed.

  • You just need to simply take a steam shower but keep in mind one thing. When you are taking bath close the bathroom door so that the steam will not escape and turn the water temperature up. If you don’t want to take the bath just simply open the shower and get it going on to inhale the steam as it fills the bathroom.
  • Or you can also take a steam from the boiling of water. Boil a water in a pot and carefully lean over it to breathe the steam. Cover your head with a towel so that you can take the proper advantage of the steam. But don’t let your children do this, so they can burn themselves. You can bring them to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
  • Run a vaporizer or humidifier. This method is especially,  helpful when you are sleeping. But make sure to clean the humidifier after using, as mold can easily grow into the humidifier, which will make your symptoms worse.

3.) Tomato to Unclog Nose Fast

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. They have the ability to boost the immune system and also works great to open up your sinuses. Tomatoes also help to remove the inflammation in vessels and also help to remove the mucus.

  • Take two or three tomatoes and blend them in the mixture to extract the juice. You can also mix cloves garlic and a little bit of salt.
  • Then pour the juice into a pot and bubble it in a pot on the stove or a holder in the microwave for a few minutes.
  • Then drink this tomato juice for snappy alleviation.
  • You need to drink this juice for twice a day to unclog nose.
  • You can also add lemon juice to make it more effective.

4.) Fenugreek Seed to Treat Stuffy Nose

Fenugreek seed help to open up the sinus cavities as well as it also helps to thin mucus. It will also thin the thick bodily fluid and clears your nasal section and diminish the swelling in the veins.

  • You need to take some fenugreek seed.
  • Then blend in a glass of drinking water.
  • Boil a water for a few minutes, then turn off the heat to remove it.
  • Strain this solution and drink the warm water few times a day until you get relief from the stuffy nose.
  • Or you can also make fenugreek soup to unclog nose.

5.) Garlic to Get Rid of Stuffy Nose

When you get cold or seasonal influenza, a stuffy nose is very common in that case. Garlic is a sweet smelling zest and a sustenance source that help to unclog nose. Garlic contains saponins, fructose, and allies which provide this herb its antiviral, antibacterial nd antifungal properties. This herb is even valuable for lessening blood cholesterol and hypertension.

  • You can make a garlic tea. Take 1 to 2 clove of fresh garlic and put them into the boiling water. Boil them for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drink this solution two to three times a day to unclog nose.
  • You can also eat 1 to 2 clove of raw garlic to get rid of stuffy nose fast. Take remedy two to three times a day.
  • If you want you can also prepare garlic soup. Or you can add cloves of garlic in any kind of soup.

6.) Chicken Soup to Unclog Nose

Chicken soup is an effective remedy to get rid of stuffy nose. In this case, you don’t need to worry about the quantity. You can take as much as soup as you want. Chicken soup is also best for your overall health. If you are vegetarian then you can also make vegetable soup by adding garlic or ginger instead of chicken.

  • To prepare a chicken soup you just need to add garlic, ginger or lemon juice. As garlic ginger and lemon will help you to unclog nose.
  • Then add boiled chicken.
  • Take this soup at least 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Chicken soup is well known eating methodology for the individuals who are experiencing stuffy nose. You can add pepper to make it hot which will help to open up the blocked respiratory nasal entries for agreeable breath.

7.) Maintain a Diet to Get Rid of Stuffy Nose

It is very important to maintain a diet if you are suffering from any problem. Following a healthy and perfect diet will help you to get rid of stuffy nose fast.

  • You need to add spice food in your diet, which will serve to give easing from the congested sinuses. drink more water while you are taking food or at the end of your meal. You will notice that your nose is running. At that point blow, out mucus as much as you can.
  • Avoid consuming wheat or entire grains. You also need to avoid milk or dairy items because they build up the clogged nose. In this way, you will be able to dodge it until you completely get ease from the sinus and stuffy nose.
  • Drink warm water, it will also help you a lot.

8.) Lemon to Unclog Nose Naturally

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. It helps to reduce the inflammation in the vessel and also help to remove the mucus. It is very effective fruit that can remove the stuffy nose problem very quickly.

  • You need to take two tablespoons of lemon juice and add some black pepper powder and a pinch of salt. Then mix all the ingredient properly and apply them around your nasal area.
  • While applying this mixture, you have to make sure that it doesn’t reach your eyes.

9.) Put a Warm Compress Over your Nose

You need to boil a water as hot as you can, then take a washcloth and dip it into the hot water and remove the excess water. Lie down on the comfortable area and put the cloth over the bridge of your nose so that it covers your sinuses but leaves the path to your nostril clear. If the cloth starts to get cold then rewet it.

  • It will take to a few rounds of reheating the washcloth for you to take the full benefit, so be patient.
  • Try using a warm compress while you are taking rest or listening to music or watching TV.

10.) Stay Hydrated to Unclog Nose

Drinking plenty of water help to thin out the mucus in your nose and make it easier to expel. The extra moisture in your system also helps to soothe irritated nasal passages and prevent sinus blockages. Almost all the liquid can help to keep you hydrated when you are sick. You can drink water, juice or even sports drink. If your stuffy nose is accompanied by a sore throat you can take warm soup and warm tea to ease the discomfort in your throat.