Vitamin K Foods-Foods High in Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting. Vitamin is responsible for activating the protein that clots the blood. It is also needed for the synthesis of bone proteins. Deficiency of vitamin K can lead to heart disease, tooth decay, weakened bones and cancer. There are two types of vitamin K needed in our diet, vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. You will find vitamin K1 in vegetables whereas vitamin K2 is mostly available in dairy products.  Vitamin K2 rich foods have greater health benefits than K1. Consuming vitamin K rich foods can support to improve bone density, heart health, fight cancer, reduce infection, improve bone density. The daily recommendation for vitamin K is 80 mcg. Here is the list of vitamin K foods.

Vitamin K Foods List:

1.) Dried Fruit- Rich in Vitamin K

Dried fruit are the fruits in which water content is removed through drying method. The fruits shrink during this process. Raisins are the most common type followed by figs, prunes, and apricots. Other varieties of dry fruits are also available in the market.

  • They are vitamin K foods and can be preserved for much longer than fresh fruits. They contain about 59 mcg of vitamin K which is about 74% of your daily recommendation.
  • Dried fruits are very nutritious and one piece of dried fruit contain about the same amount of nutrient that fresh fruit contain. They contain up to 4 times more fiber, vitamin, and mineral than the fresh fruit.
  • Therefore one serving of dried fruits can provide a large percentage of the daily recommendation of many minerals, vitamin, nutrients. They generally contain a lot of fiber and are a great source of antioxidants especially polyphenols. Polyphenol antioxidants have many health benefits such as it improves the blood flow and provide better digestion and decreased oxidative damage and reduce the risk of many diseases.

2.) Vegetable Salad- Vitamin K Foods

Vegetable salad contain about 207 mcg of salad vegetables which is about 259% of your daily recommendation. Radicchio, spinach, and watercress contain lots of vitamin K and helps to build your bones and teeth. They are rich vitamin K foods

  • It helps to sharpen your eyesight. Salad vegetables also have vitamin K and contain loads of the carotenoids, zeaxanthin, lutein and nd help to eyes adapt from bright light to darkness.
  • It helps to improve the performance of the mitochondria which power the human cells in the muscles.
  • A study has found that phen-ethyl isothiocyanate in watercress disrupts the signals from tumors that cause normal tissue to grow new blood vessels to feed cancer cells. Those who had been treated for breast cancer they ate a cereal bowl size portion of watercress and see improve in them.
  • Two cups +of shredded romaine contain about 40 percent of your daily needs to folate and 10 percent of fiber. Study showed that the level of folate in a person diet the lower the risk of stroke nd cardiovascular disease.  Salad vegetables also reduce the risk of diabetes.

3.) Herbs- Source of Vitamin K

Herbs contain 1700 mcg of vitamin k which is much then more than your daily recommendation. It is about 2140 % of your daily recommendation. Herbs do much more than just add a burst of flavor to recipes. They also enhance the nutritional value of your food. They are a nutritious way to add a small amount of fiber and protein to your diet. Not all the herbs contain vitamin K but there are certain herbs which provide essential vitamin K

  • Only a ¼ of fresh basil leaves provides 25 mcg of vitamin K which is about 28% of your daily recommendation. One tablespoon of dried basil contains 36 mcg of vitamin K.
  • A ¼ cup of fresh parsley contain about 24 mcg of vitamin k which is about 26% of your daily recommendation. Dried parsley is also a good source of vitamin K it contains about 22 mcg per tablespoon.
  •  A ¼ cup of fresh fresh cilantro contains 12.5 mcg of vitamin K which is about 13% of your daily recommendation.

4.) Leafy Vegetables- Rich Source of Vitamin K 

As a general rule daily recommendation for eating vegetables is at least about five serving including leafy greens. Adding leafy vegetables in your diet has countless health benefits.

  • Leafy vegetables are full of mineral vitamins and disease-fighting phytochemicals. They are a rich source of fiber which is very essential for weight loss and maintaining it. it contains about 800 mcg of vitamin K which is about 2140 % of your daily recommendation. Leafy vegetables help to keep you full for long and control your hunger. Fiber helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol and they are rich vitamin K foods.
  • Leafy greens also contain a lot of water, which helps to keep you hydrated and contribute to beautiful skin and hair. Some leafy green like kale and collard are particularly rich in calcium which helps to keep your bones and teeth strong and reduces the overall risk for osteoporosis. They are full of many vitamin and mineral and keep care of your overall health.

5.) Brassica Vegetables- Foods High in Vitamin K

Brassica vegetables are a rich of vitamin K foods. It contains about 140 mcg of vitamin K which is about 175% of your daily recommendation.

  • It you have been on a junk eating food for a long then start eating for cruciferous vegetables. They are also known as brassica vegetables. This family of nutritious veggies includes broccoli, radishes, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, sprouts.
  • These vegetables are packed with antioxidants which may help to lower the risk of various problems and condition such as coronary heart disease and cancer.
  • These foods are also a rich source of vitamin C and folic acid and minerals such as iron, potassium, and selenium.

6.) Soybeans- Vitamin K foods

Soybeans have many health benefits including to improve the metabolism, it helps people to gain weight in a healthy way. Protect heart health and defend against cancer, improve digestive health, promote bone health and generally tones up the body.

  • It contains about 70mcg of vitamin K which is about 88% of your daily recommendation. It is ideal for a vegetarian for the high source of protein.
  • Its health benefits come from the various nutrient, vitamin, organic compounds and other nutrients. Soybeans have a significant amount of dietary fiber and a very large amount of protein. It contains riboflavin, folate, vitamin B6, vitamin C, thiamin, iron, manganese, copper and other many essential nutrients.
  • It helps to prevent oestorosis, helps to lower cholesterol level, boost metabolic activity in the body, improves digestion and bone health, helps to prevent heart attack and strokes.

7.) Olive Oil- Rich in Vitamin K

Olive oil has been using around for many thousand of years, it is even considered to be one of the most important bible foods, it is one of the best vitamin K foods. High quality of extra virgin olive oil ahs anti-inflammatory compounds antioxidants and numerous heart healthy macro-nutrients.

  • It contains about 60 mcg of vitamin K which is about 75% of your daily recommendation. Extra virgin olive oil benefits include lowering rate of heart disease, inflammation, dementia, depression, and obesity.
  • Olive oil is made from the fruits of the olive tree. Which is high in healthy fatty acids.

8.) Cyanne Pepper- Vitamin K Foods

Many of us have used cayenne pepper to add a little spice to our meals. It has been used for both food and medicine. Cayenne pepper can stimulate your body circulation and reduce acidity. Cayenne pepper is a powerful ingredient that has many health benefits. It contain about 105 mcg of vitamin K which is about 132% of your daily recommendation

  • It has numerous benefits, it is used to help digestion and heal upset stomach, stop stomach pain, slow intestinal gas. Cure diarrhea and as a natural remedy for cramps. It is used for heart condition including improve poor circulation, lower high cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

9.) Pickles- High in Vitamin K

Pickles contain a ewer amount of vitamin and mineral. But when comes to vitamin the quantity increases. One medium pickle contain 34% of the daily recommendation.  It contain about 76 mg of vitamin k in 100 gm of serving which is about 96% of your daily recommendation. Pickles are also good source of fiber and contain a small amount of antioxidants such as leutin and vitamin A.

10.) Asparagus-Vitamin K foods

There are many reason to use asparahus, it is a very powerful ingredient. It has anti aging properties and help to prevent Alzheimer disease. Asparagus is packed with antioxidants and protect against free radicals and certain cancers. Asparagus contain about 50 mcg of vitamin K which is about 63% of your daily recommendation. It is full of many vitamin and mineral which your body need to stay healthy. It contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate and fiber.