Foods High in Vitamin D – Foods with Vitamin D

Foods high in vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. This vitamin is also called “ sunshine vitamin“. It is very essential as it helps in the absorption of calcium. It acts as more than a vitamin by balancing the regulation of the body. There are many foods high in vitamin D. But the best way is to get it from sunlight. The sun rays are the natural and free of cost, source of vitamin D. It is the easiest way to get this vitamin. Without this vitamin, it is impossible for the body to absorb sufficient amounts of calcium. Deficiency of vitamin D can occur to anybody. It can be a child, adult or any old-aged person.

Some people are born without the ability to process vitamin D. So they go for medications and spend lots of money on treatment and medicines. There are many foods which have high source of vitamin D. One should know the value of these foods and start eating them in their meals. This will help to fulfil the need of vitamin D in the body.

Causes of Deficiency of Vitamin D:

  • Less exposure to sun rays
  • Improper Diet
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Dark skin
  • Obesity

Symptoms of Deficiency of Vitamin D:

  • Weak immune system
  • Cancer
  • Weak bones
  • Seasonal allergy
  • Eczema

List of Foods High in Vitamin D:

Sunshine vitamin, has many health benefits. As, vitamin D is very essential for our body and helps in absorption of calcium. You can try some foods high in vitamin D. These are easily available and not costly.

1.) Sardiness among foods High in Vitamin D

Sardiness are one of the best food sources of Vitamin D. It is estimated that about one tin of sardines contains 70% of of the daily needs of vitamin D. Along with it, it has vitamin B-12, omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and selenium. These minerals help in proper absorption of minerals in the body. Because of high vitamin D content, sardines has shown to fight osteoporosis in adults. It also improves the functioning of the brain and optimize the nervous system of the body. You can eat sardines by making some tasty dish of your choice.  Alternatively, you can prepare a delicious soup with it. Add sardiness in your meals, as it is among foods high in vitamin D.

2.) Herring with Vitamin D

Herring is a kind of fish that is eaten all around. It is estimated that about 100 grammmes of herring fish contain 3.5 mg of Vitamin D. This fish is very good for your health as it helps in the absorption of calcium in the bones. It also makes your immune system very strong. Eating herring also protects you from autoimmune depression. You can eat herring in different ways. One can simply boil it and eat. Also, you can roast this fish and eat it along with some vegetables. Alternatively, eat you can make the tasty soup with this fish. Add herring in your diet as it is among foods high in vitamin D.

3.) Beef Liver- Full of Vitamin D

Beef is a meat of cattle. It is also known as red meat. Beef liver contains high amount of vitamin D. Along with this it consist of essential minerals such as iron, zinc or so on. Beef liver also has antioxidants inadequate amount that it is very helpful to the body. The creatine helps to strengthens the muscles and act as body builders. This helps in the maintenance of muscle mass. Beef is also loaded with saturated fatty acids, which protects you from various heart diseases. You can eat beef liver by simply roasting it. Also, you can make its soup or boil it with some vegetables.

4.) Cereals Loaded with Vitamin D

Cereals are a rich source of vitamin D. It also contains niacin, riboflavin, thiamine which is helpful to the body. It makes your bones strong by helping in the absorption of calcium. There are different types of cereals such as wheat, barley, millet, oats or sorghum.  Cereals are a good source of energy. These cereals also prevent you from dangerous diseases like cancer. Also, it soothes the digestive system of the body. You can eat cereals by boiling them or simply soaking them one night before. Also, you can add it in your soup or can prepare some dessert or some tasty dish with it. Try some cereals. It is very rich in vitamin D.

5.) Cheese- High in Vitamin D

Cheese contains lots of vitamin D. Along with this food is full of nutrients like proteins, phosphorous, vitamin A and vitamin B-12. This food is very healthy as it makes your bones strong. Cheese also boost the immune system of the body and prevents you from various diseases. It also prevents you from cavity as it contains low content of lactose. You can eat cheese in any way you like. You can eat them raw. Secondly, you can roast them with a good quality oil. Moreover, you can put it in your salad, pasta, sandwiches or so on. Add this food in your diet as it is among foods high in vitamin D.

 6.) Salmon High in Vitamin D

Salmon is a popular fish and is a great source of vitamin D. It is estimated that around 100 grammes of salmon contain 361 to 685 IU of vitamin D. It protects you from certain diseases like osteoporosis. This seafood helps to make your body strong. It protects you from various diseases and keeps you fit. This food also aids the digestion process. It eases the absorption of nutrients in the body. You can eat salmon by roasting them. Also, try its tasty soup. Alternatively, you can cook a tasty dish with it. Start eating salmon as it is among foods high in vitamin D.

 7.) Orange Juice among Foods High in Vitamin D

Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin D, among the people  who suffers from lactose intolerance. Along with this, orange juice contains nutrients such as calcium, potassium, zinc or so on. It is also rich in vitamin C. This fruit juice helps to ease the process of digestion. Moreover, the antioxidants present in it, helps to fight against the infection in the body. It strengthens the body and boosts up the immune system of the body. You can easily buy oranges from the market and take out its juice. Also, you can eat oranges by simply peeling them. One can also add oranges with some other juice of your choice. It is very rich in vitamin D.

8.) Mushrooms Loaded with Vitamin D

If we exclude the fortified foods, mushrooms are the only plant source of vitamin D. It is a rich source of calcium and vitamin D. It helps in boosting up the immune system of the body. Also, it makes your bones and muscles strong by helping in the absorption of calcium. This food also helps to aid the process of digestion. You can eat mushrooms in different ways. One can boil them to eat. Another way is to fry them or roast them. Alternatively, you can add them in your dish. You can eat mushrooms anytime in a day. It is very rich in vitamin D.

9.) Canned Tuna with High Vitamin D

Tuna is very rich in vitamin D. It is light in flavor and is very tasty. Moreover, it is cheaper than other fishes. Along with vitamin D, it is also loaded with niacin and vitamin K. Around  113 grammes of tuna contains 23% of vitamin D. It is anti-inflammatory in nature. The antioxidants in tuna prevent you from free radicals in the body. It strengthens up your body muscles and makes you fit. You can eat fish in different ways. You can eat them boiled or make its soup by adding some spices and vegetables. Eat tuna to make yourself healthy.

10.) Soya with Plenty of Vitamin D

Soya is a very famous food which contains vitamin D. The other key benefits of soya is that it contains vitamins, minerals and insoluble fiber. It is found that about 1 cup of soya contains 120 mg of vitamin D. This food makes your muscles and bones strong. Also it aids the digestion. The antioxidants present in it keep you healthy by getting rid of free radicals in the body. You can eat soya by making any tasty dish of your choice. Also, you can prepare some dessert or any other food. Start eating soya, as it is a very rich source of vitamin D.
