How to Lucid Dream?

In this article, we will discuss the best way to lucid dream naturally. Yes! It is possible to control your dreams. Knowing that you are in a dream while you are dreaming is a technique called Lucid Dreaming. You may actually influence the content of the dream during a lucid dream. According to the experts, it is a skill that can be learned over time. You need a lot of practice to start lucid dreaming in one night. By following special techniques, you will have a high chance of dreaming vividly and recalling what you experienced in your dream.

How to Lucid Dream

Best Way to Lucid Dream:

 1.) Stay Awake for a While to Lucid Dream

Write down the dream if you were having one and make yourself a good snack, or simply get up and walk around for five minutes. Your main goal here is to get the conscious mind active and alert. According to a study, it has found that staying awake for twenty to forty minutes gives the highest probability of a lucid dream. Keep a notebook close by your bed at night and do not forget to write down the dream immediately after waking. You should focus on the emotions and sensations that you experienced in a dream while writing the journal. In this way, you can remember more of your dreams, which is essential to lucid dream. Moreover, there is no point in controlling the dreams if you forget the adventure or experience before the morning. You can also keep a recording device near your bed. You may even remember about your dream if you stay still for a moment only concentrating on the memory before starting the writing.

2.) Focus to Lucid Dream

In reflective-intention techniques, also called as the Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreaming (MILD) you need to think about the sort of things you dream of, or the common characteristic of your dreams, just before you go to bed. This helpful to recognize them while you are dreaming. Consider what your dreams are like, before you go to bed. Important features of dreams may include things like:

  • Excellent imagery
  • Unique locations
  • Seeing individuals you know
  • Irrational actions
  • Wish fulfillment

3.) Tell Yourself That You Have Memorable Dream

If you believe the fact that you will be aware of your dreams while you are actually having them, and recall them upon waking. Then you may like to actually do so. Tell yourself something like “I’m going to have really exciting dreams tonight. I am being impatient to enter one and see where it takes me.” just before going to bed.

4.) Increase vitamin B6 Intake to Lucid Dream

According to introductory research, vitamin B6 can increase the sharpness and memorability of your dreams. You can easily get Vitamin B6 supplements pharmacies and other stores. Consider taking one before you go to bed as an aid for lucid dreaming. You can also improve your intake of vitamin B6 by eating more of certain foods, including:

  • Beans
  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Meat (beef, pork, and poultry)
  • Fortified bread and cereals

5.) Take Melatonin to Lucid Dream

Melatonin is a hormone found in the human body. It is also produced synthetically in laboratories. In addition to other uses, it also helps regulate sleep cycles. Many studies show that melatonin can enhance the sharpness and bizarreness of dreams. This may increase the probability that you will be aware of your dreams while you have them, and so you may need to take melatonin before attempting to dream lucidly. Melatonin can be found in pill and other forms. Look for it at a pharmacy. Melatonin can lead to side effects or negative interactions with other medications you may be having. Consult with a doctor before taking melatonin.

6.) Take 5-HTP to Lucid Dream

5-Hydroxotryptophan is substance derived from another substance known as L-Tryptophan. And is also manufactured from the grains of an African plant called Griffonia simplicifolia. 5-HTP is used to treat insomnia (sleeplessness) and other conditions, and some experts believe that it can help users achieve lucid dreams. 5-HTP is available in the form of pill from pharmacies. It can cause side effects such as nausea, muscle problems. It can also have negative interactions with a variety of other medications, like anti-depressants. Consult your doctor before taking 5-HTP.

7.) Take Galantamine to Lucid Dream

Galantamine produce substances that help increase brain function and memory, It is often prescribed to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Some study shows that it can be responsible for vivid dreams, and so you may require taking galantamine in order to increase the possibility that you will have lucid dreams. Galantamine is easily available in the form of a tablet, capsule, and liquid. You can find it at local pharmacy store. Taking galantamine can cause side effects such as an upset stomach. Consult with your doctor before taking galantamine. Since it can increase the sharpness of dreams, nightmares can also be a side effect of galantamine.

 8.) Practice the Wake-Back-to-Bed (WBTB) Technique

You need to set an alarm to wake yourself an hour before you normally would. This helps to catch you in the middle of a dream. When the alarm ring, instead of getting out of bed, concentrate on re-entering the dream you woke up from or starting a new dream. To make it easier to re-enter your dream, try to think about the dream you were having and imagine ways of acting within it, and not about being awake. Don’t get out of your bed or do anything else.

9.) Set Alarms to Catch You During Dream Periods

It is seen in various studies that people typically dream in 90-minute cycles, so to make sure you recall what you were dreaming about, set your alarm to wake yourself during them. The alarm may not wake you completely from your dream, enabling you to obtain a lucid state. However, if you do wake up, try the WBTB technique to attempt to re-enter the dream. Succeeding dreams tend to be longer, so try scheduling alarms for 4.5, 6, or 7.5 hours after you go to sleep. Try to ask this question yourself continuously “Am I dreaming?” or “Am I awake?”, during your dreams. This is also known as “reality testing.” And if you would know you are dreaming, this will help you attain the state of being conscious of the dream while you are actually having it.

10.) Make Sure That You are Well-Rested to Lucid Dream

You need to be mentally relaxed if you are thinking to experiment with lucid dreaming. If you go to bed when you are exhausted, chances are high that you fall into a deep sleep and will not be able to wake up and remember what you experienced in the dream. Additionally, if you are exhausted it will be very difficult to be aware of the fact that you are in the dream while it is happening.

11.) Think About Your Dreams As Soon As You Wake Up

As soon as you wake up, start thinking about the dream you were just having. Stay in your position in bed, and don’t try to get up or get out of your bed. Avoid thinking about something else, or any other activity. Just start thinking about your dream, and every detail you remember about it. It will keep you from forgetting the dream.

12.) Use a Dream Journal to Lucid Dream

You can use a dream journal as a basic notebook or another tool that to record your dreams in. Keep it accessible from your bed, along with a pen or pencil. And record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Studies suggest that this habit of recording your dream increases the probability of having lucid dreams. However, even telling yourself in a night that you plan on noting down your dreams may help you obtain a greater awareness of them. Note down any dreams you recall, whether they seem interesting or coherent or not. Write down whatever part you can remember if you can’t remember a whole dream, even if it is just a face, phrase, location, etc. It is very important to write down whatever you remember about your dreams as soon as you wake up. The more you delay writing them after you wake up, the more likely you are to forget them. Remaining in bed along with writing down your dreams will increase the possibility of remembering them.

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