How to Stop Eating Naturally?

If you find yourself eating a lot, it might be because you are hungry or you could be bored or stressed. If you are eating because you are bored so do not need to get upset, you are not alone many people in this world are following the same habit. However, overeating is a result of the stress or boredom and may lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and many other serious medical problem. Eating is not a problem but turning eating into overeating is a serious problem. Because of it, you gain unwanted weight. Avoiding overeating can be challenging, but you need to accept that challenge. It is challenging but not impossible. There are simple steps which you need to follow to stop eating.

Ways to Stop Eating:

1.) Build High Volume Meal to Stop Eating

Solid food that has high fluid content can help you to suppress hunger. According to the professors of nutritional science at Pennsylvania State university. When we take food with high water content like vegetables and fruit, we get a bigger portion for fewer calories. You can consume more food but cut calories if you will eat fruit and vegetables. One study found that people ate 21 percent fewer calories of an air puffed cheese snack as compared to denser one.

  • Start dinner with salad, or make it your meal. Make sure to include protein rich food in your diets such as beans and lean meat.
  • Choose fresh fruit over dry. You can have a same amount of calories in 3 tablespoons of raisins, or a whole cup of grapes.
  • Add extra veggies such as steamed broccoli or chopped tomatoes and baby spinach to boost the volume of low calories frozen dinner.

2.) Stop Eating When You Feel Satisfied

Eat only when you truly feel hungry, your body provide a tool to help you to stop eating which is called satisfaction. When you feel satisfied that means your body is telling to your brain that you have enough food, you don’t need to eat more now.

  • There is a range of satisfaction, ranging stated from overly full or sick. When you overeat you most likely to eat until you are full or overly full.
  • Aim to stop eating when you feel satisfied. You have a sensation in your stomach, when you feel no stretching or discomfort  in your stomach that means you are no longer hungry.
  • Most people just eat what is in front of them, whether they are hungry or not. listen to your body, what is healthy for your body and when should eat or when not.

3.) Munch Fiber All Day to Avoid Overeating

Fiber can help with some yogurt. Take single serving boxes or whole grain cereal and fat-free milk at work you to feel full faster and for longer, because the body digest a fiber-rich meal more slowly. It may feel you satisfied for long after eating. Fiber-packed food is higher in volume which means they can make you feel up so you will eat fewer calories.

  • One report published in the Journal of the American Dietic Association about a high intake of cereal fiber with your body mass index. It helps to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
  • Take at least 25 gm of fiber a day.
  • Add apples and carrot in your diet because they are rich in fiber.
  • Add them in each of your meal.
  • Try to replace bread, white pasta, white rice with whole grain version.

4.) Take 20 to 30 Minutes to Eat Your Meal

If you will eat fast, you will much more likely to eat more as compared to if you eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes to your stomach to send signals to your brain that it is satisfied, that’s why eating slowly helps to stop eating.

  • You can set a timer while you eat. This will help your pace throughout your meal.
  • Try to take a sip of water in between your meal to make you feel full and extend the length of your meal.
  • Decrease distraction while you eat because distraction makes you eat make. Pay attention to what is going on your plate and if you find any distraction by a loud noise, bright colors, or a lot of people.
  • You will have to pay attention to your eating habits to prevent overeating.

5. ) Refuel Every Four Hours

Set your time that you have to eat on that particular time. Moderate to full hunger is most likely to hit after 4 to 5 hours of a balanced diet. Taking too long time to eat can send you on an emergency hunt for energy. It will decrease your will willpower to make healthy choices. That simply means one should consume 6 meals in a day.
  • Regular eating  helps to keep your blood sugar and energy stable and prevent you from feeling an extreme need for fuel.
  • But if you are feeling hungry between meals, a 200 calories snack can help to hold over.
  • Munch on foods such as fruits and nuts, they contain more fiber and water so you will fill up on fewer calories and they are also loaded with disease-fighting nutrients.

6.) Eat Breakfast to Stop Eating

A study published in the journal of the British journal of nutrition tracked the diets of nearly 9oo adults found that, people who eat macronutrients like fat, carbohydrate, and protein in the breakfast. They stay satisfied and eat less over the course of the day than who take their bigger meal later on.

  • Many Americans start off with an empty stomach. One survey reported that even when they eat in the morning, they only take one-third of the full breakfast. If you feeling hungry before noon, there is a chance you are not eating enough in the morning.
  • Take a minimum of 250 calories in the breakfast and make it a habit. You can prepare breakfast before going to bed such as cut fruit and add nuts when you arrive.

7.) Don’t Place Serving Bowl on the Dining Table

Place the food on your table and keep the serving size in the kitchen. When serving platter and bowl are on the table, individual are more likely to eat more. Keeping them off at the dinner table will help you to resist the temptation to scoop additional onto your plate too full your tummy.

  • Keep all the food in the kitchen instead bringing the extra food on the table to make you full.
  • Keep all the extra food left on the bowl in the refrigerator, so that when you go back to the kitchen to put your plates. There is no food to nibble on while you clean up.

 8.) Use Smaller Size Plate to Stop Eating

That is very easy and very best way to stop eating because psychologically your mind thinks that you are eating enough when your plate is full of food. If you start using smaller plates when you are eating at home , you will be able to control your portion size and prevent yourself from overeating.

  • Studies have shown that using certain color plates can help you to be satisfied with less food.
  • So try to use color plates and prefer blue color plates because it has more effects than any other color and  help you to eat less.

9.) Eat Only When you are Hungry

If you are eating just because of habit, not because of you are hungry, then you are overeating and giving your body much more food than it needs.  Learn to identify what physical hunger means to you. It will be helpful for you to find out what hunger actually is. Hunger sensation includes an empty pit feeling, slight nausea or lightheadedness, hunger pangs, irritability empty feeling. If you are not feeling on this reason then obviously you are eating for another reason like stress and boredom. Avoid eating or snacking until you experience true hunger to eat.

10.) Take Protein to Stop Overeating

Those who take protein rich diet feel more satisfied and less hungry. When a researcher at Purdue University asked 50 dieting women to eat 20 to 30 percent of their calories from protein, the high protein eater felt less hungry and more satisfied. Over the course of 12-week women get more lean body mass. Take a serving of lean protein such as chunk light tuna, chicken breast, egg whites. A serving of meat should be the palm of your hand. You can also include beans, chickpeas, and edamame in your diet.