How to Get Rid of Cold Sores?

Cold sores can ruin your day. They are impossible to hide and you are not able to talk or open your mouth during such a problem. Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus that is HSV-1. This problem is contagious. This virus can  spread through saliva and one can get it through kissing or use the same utensil with the infected person. It can also be spread through vaginal fluid or semen. There are some treatments that will help to clear up your blisters in order to have you looking your best fast. Read this article, get some tips to get rid of cold sores.

Cold sores or fever blisters are the fluid-filled blisters that occur on or around the lips. First, they occur as a single blister and then several appear all clustered together. These blisters then open and leave an open sore which will take weeks to heal. Cold sores are painful and embarrassing. It is accompanied by a sore throat, fever, pain, and headache. There are several factors that cause cold sores such as hormonal changes, emotional stress, fever, fatigue, exposure to sunlight and trauma to the skin.

Symptoms of Cold Sores:

  • Painful and small blisters
  • Burning sensation
  • Redness
  • Rashes
  • Fever
  • A sore throat

Causes of Cold Sores:

  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Emotional stress
  • Hormonal changes
  • Trauma to the skin
  • Exposure to strong sunlight

how to get rid of cold sores

Best Remedies to Get Rid of Cold Sores:

1.) Garlic to Treat Cold Sores Naturally

Garlic is one of the best home remedies for cold sores treatment. It contains enzymes and has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal qualities that will help to treat cold sores. The anti-inflammatory qualities will help to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Directions to Use Cold Sores:

  • Cut a garlic clove into pieces.
  • Crush it and apply it on the infected area.
  • After 10 to 15 minutes, repeat this remedy 3 to 5 times in a day.

2.) Ice to Get Rid of Cold Sores Fast

These blisters of cold sores form a crust. To numb the pain, some people uses an ice cube directly on the cold sore for as long as possible and then apply petroleum jelly. The jelly will help to keep bacteria out and will reduce that tight, skin splitting sensation that happens when a blister gets too dry.

Directions to Apply Ice Cube:

  • Take an ice cube and place it on your cold sore for as long as possible.
  • You can also use an ice pack.
  • When you have finished, apply remaining water gently and apply petroleum jelly.

3.) Aloe Vera Gel to Cure Cold Sores Naturally and Fast

Aloe Vera is the best and effective natural remedy for cold sore treatment. It will soothe minor skin irritation and provide quick relief from the pain of a sore once it hurt. It will also help to fight off bacteria that may be irritating.

Directions to Use Aloe Vera Gel:

  • Peel off the fresh Aloe Vera leaf.
  • Apply it directly to your cold sore.
  • If you don’t have an Aloe Vera leaf then you can dab a cotton swab in Aloe Vera gel and apply it on your blisters.
  • Leave it for sometimes and then you will get quick relief.

4.) Witch Hazel to Treat Cold Sore Naturally and Fast

Witch hazel is the most effective home remedy for cold sore treatment. It is used for various skin problems such as acne, insect bites, blisters and bruises. It contains the medicinal properties which help to treat the cold sore fast.

Directions to Use Witch Hazel:

  • Take 1 tsp of witch hazel and dab a cotton swab into it.
  • Apply it directly onto your sore and then leave it on.
  • Do it 1 to 2 times daily as needed.

5.) Cornstarch to Get Rid of Cold Sores Overnight

Cornstarch will relieve the itchy burning pain of cold sores when it is directly applied. It will neutralize the pH of the cold sore. To get relief, simply whip up cornstarch paste.

Directions to Use Cornstarch:

  • Take a tbsp of cornstarch and place it in a small bowl.
  • Add 1 tsp of fresh water to it.
  • Add more water until you get a paste.
  • Apply it on your cold sore before bedtime and wash it off gently with water in the next morning.
  • Do it daily until the cold sore is gone.

6.) Vitamin E and C to Treat Cold Sores Fast

Vitamins are good for you and for your cold sores. Vitamin C will boost white blood cell count and these white blood cells are the body’s defenders. Vitamin E has been used to relieve the irritating and painful discomfort of cold sores and reduce scarring. You can also take oral supplements.

  • Include vitamin C rich foods such as kiwi, red berries, tomatoes, broccoli, red and green bell peppers, and spinach.
  • Include vitamin E rich foods such as avocados, nuts, green leafy vegetables and whole grain.

7.) Peppermint Oil to Get Rid of Cold Sores Naturally

Peppermint oil has such properties that will kill virus particles, around an erupted cold sore. When you apply it directly on your cold sore then it will help to heal it faster.

Directions to Use Peppermint Oil:

  • First, rinse the surface of the cold sore with water.
  • Now, dip a cotton ball in clean water and then dip it into this peppermint oil.
  • After diluting it will not irritate your skin.
  • Do it 2 times daily until it is needed.

8.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Cure Cold Sores Fast

Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective home remedy for cold sores. The healing properties of hydrogen peroxide will protect it from spreading. Also, keeping the blister clean will make it go away faster.

Directions to Use Hydrogen Peroxide:

  • Soak a cotton ball in 1 tbsp of hydrogen peroxide.
  • Place this cotton ball directly on your cold sore.
  • Hold it for a few seconds and after 5 minutes wash it off.

9.) Milk to Treat Cold Sores Fast

Applying a whole milk on your cold sore will help to speed up the healing process and ease the pain. Milk contains proteins which help to fight off and prevent viruses like herpes. I-lysine in milk helps to speed up the healing process. It will prevent outbreaks. You can drink whole milk as it will soothe the pain and fight against the virus.

Directions to Use Milk:

  • Soak a cotton ball in 1 tbsp of whole milk and apply it to your cold sore for several minutes.
  • You can also apply the cold milk on your cold sores.
  • With the help of a clean towel moistened with water, dab off the milky residue.
  • You can also apply petroleum jelly on your cold sores.

10.) Licorice to Get Rid of Cold Sores Naturally

One of the most effective natural remedies for cold sores is licorice. The Glycyrrhizic acid in licorice root will stop the virus cells from spreading. The anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties will make it most effective for treating cold sores.

Directions to Use Licorice:

  • Mix 1 tbsp of licorice root powder to half tsp of fresh water.
  • Another method, you can mix it with petroleum jelly, that will help to speed up the healing process of cold sores.
  • Mix a tsp of petroleum jelly with the licorice root.
  • With the help of cotton swab, apply it to your cold sore.
  • Leave it for several hours or overnight, if possible.

11.) Vanilla Extract to Cure a Sore Throat Fast

Vanilla extract is the best natural cold sore remedy. It is alcohol based, makes it hard for the virus to thrive and reduces the severity of the outbreak. If you do use vanilla, then use organic.

Directions to Use Vanilla Extract:

  • Soak a cotton ball in vanilla extract until it is saturated.
  • Apply it directly to your cold sore.
  • Hold it in place for a minute.
  • Do it 4 times daily until it is no longer needed.

12.) Acetone to Get Rid of Cold Sores

Acetone nail polish remover is the most effective method for cold sore treatment. It will help to dry out a sore and relieve the pain.

Directions to Use Acetone:

  • Take a cotton ball and dip it in acetone nail polish remover.
  • Apply it on your cold sore.
  • Do it several times in a day or once in an hour.
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