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Tag: Treat stomach ache

home remedies for ear pain

Home Remedies for Ear Pain

An earache is a painful sensation which happens either inside or outside the ear. The pain ranges from low to high. You can experience pain in both ears. It can be chronic and mild...
stop nausea

How to Stop Nausea?

Nausea, which may occur alone or with vomiting, it is a symptom of an underlying condition. A person feels uneasiness or queasiness centered around the stomach or abdomen. Nausea can be caused by a...
Get rid of a stomach ache

How to Get Rid of a Stomach Ache?

Nearly everyone has had a stomach ache at some point in their life. The usual culprit is indigestion. But a stomach ache can occur for a number of reasons. In fact, it is also...